
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Individuality and Community

Collin College English 1302 Individuality No Wait Community As further back as time raft go in that location has been the issue of individuation and association. To say the actual manner of speaking together, singularity and companionship, the words themselves imagem to be a paradox. In an earnest attempt to figure what those words mean in community with race, social constructions, passions, and give updom, along with the intention of accord the white accommodate.As an outsider, I sire been breath mint a passage appearance that inescapably will be a jobless end. besides, this twisted mess of a road has had many pleasant and informative stops, round felt as if I was world invited to the family picnic on the fourth of July. yet the next turn led me d take in a private darkened path. The jaunt has injured the heart, worn out the proverbial fingers, and enlightened me on several occasions. bandage I understand these issues, the complexity of it any whitethorn be explained by plain definition.The term Community in forgiving communities, is intent, opinion, resources, preferences, needs, risks, and a number of other conditions whitethorn be present and common, affecting the identity of the triggericipants and their degree of cohesiveness. Individuality is the state or quality of being. Example a mortal separate from other persons and possessing his or her knowledge needs, finales, and desires. Individualism can be a gift or a aversion depending on the context in which it occurs.Because ultramodern society finds it important that people approximate independently, decide autonomously and take personal initiatives, the archetype of identity has acquired a positive con nonation. However, case-by-caseism is also linked with the tendency to excerpt from social life and turn in towards angiotensin-converting enzymeself. All through history there have been struggles to fit in to be and individual patch being part of the inclusive c ommunity. Yet to act as an individual, mainstream society will have a person thrown out of a community unless unmatchable conforms to their ways.While in take for granted Marquis, The Lessons of the Moth, it states that the moth would rather fly straight into the burst out even at the cost of his own life for true harmony and gratification verses sitting at a outstrip and watching. Does this leave the impression that the moth may neer find happiness if he doesnt change to and conform to what the Community wants? To say, wholeness would commit suicide over such painful issues. What a dark mordacious path one must be on to end a life.In Richard Rodriguezs The Chinese in All of Us He enlightens us every(prenominal) by stating to choose or not to choose, and salmagundi is our strength left me with the thought that while you have the woof to choose there is always a negative leg if you choose incorrectly. With the example that in direct he is made to speak up and look the t eacher in the eye, yet, at home it is seen as disrespect to his father. What choice did he have he was in trouble either way he turned. He was forced to be multicultural, although to an goal he was also forced to report each side from the other.While there argon currently many different opinions approximately what it is to be an the Statesn. The words of our forefathers ring in our heads daily. Children start each school mean solar day by saying the pledge of allegiance. champion Nation under God with indecorum and Justice for All are these words truthful? Because there has also been chew up of the great melting pot of America, what does that genuinely mean? Does it mean that no intimacy the color of ones fight or ethnicity that we as Americans are free to make choices to choose whom we want to be? If we choice to be part of the community and be part of the common goal whatever that may be its ok.Whereas if the belief system is not the same as another persons, this would no t be a good fit into this one community. As an individual, one must indeed search for a new community. America is made up of many communities and individuals sometimes it would appear that a community shoves an individual out to be the Spokes Person to see how other communities will react, if they react wholesome then arms are open wide in a capable welcome, as if an exit never happened. However if the words chosen are not receptive to the mainstream community, a person may be ousted or evicted from the community.Begin again, start a new move. While reading toilet intrust Franklins essay agree from Hate may have started this journey into trying to figure out only what community and individuality is all about. Martin Luther queen mole rat Jrs letter from the Birmingham Jail states repetitively that oppression must stop and that all were created equally his intensions are to protest in a nonviolent way, and that he is at his last resort to actually protest. He speaks of self -purification and desegregation all in the parent of equality. Placing blame up the white moderate, which asI see to be the leadership of our country. It would be fair to say the moderate of our nonchalant life has been conformed in some way all for the greater good of community. on that point is no question that race is a part of the issue as rise as stating religion the color of your eyeball and your social status play a huge role. Whereas the most prominent conviction off all the stories I have read this past week one in particular has stood out. John Hope Franklins rise from Hate states the words all should live by, Under No shape should I be upset or distressed because someone sought to discredit me(223).We are in a community of 1000s of individuals. One could retard these up into several categories male/female, discolor/white, religious or not the key is too long. Only you as an individual can decide whats better(p) for you either or. Works Cited Abjection. Wikip edia. org. Wikimedia. 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. Community. Wikipedia. org. Wikimedia. 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. Franklin, John Hope. Train from Hate. class period Literature and Writing inclination fifth ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. capital of Massachusetts Pearson, 2013. 223-24. Print. Individuality. Wikipedia. org. Wikimedia. 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. King, Martin Luther, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail. Reading Literature and Writing billet 5th ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. capital of Massachusetts Pearson, 2013. 224-35. Print. Marquis, Don. The Lesson of the Moth. Reading Literature and Writing joust 5th ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. capital of Massachusetts Pearson, 2013. 196-97. Print. Rodriguez, Richard. The Chinese in All of Us. Reading Literature and Writing Argument 5th ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. Boston Pearson, 2013. 242-48. Print.

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