Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Eassy - Essay ExampleNo wonder, the author compared it to todays terrorism rather than calling it a war. Since Warfare differs from terrorism in that the ruby-red actions in the former are aimed at the combatants on each side and public generally is make aware that a war has erupted. Terrorist acts target innocent people deliberately. In warfare, innocents are not the indigenous targets. besides this definition of war does not apply to Hiroshima bombing. Berger further proves his point as The two bombs dropped on Japan were terrorist actions. The calculation was terrorist. The discriminacy was terrorist. The small groups of terrorists operating today are, by comparison, humane killers (273). The writer supports his comment by saying that terrorists also attack unaware common people at the railway station, in the securities industry or people going home after the operate.The war and terrorism are the evils and it is first certificate of indebtedness of human kind to fight again st evils and preserve life. This concept of evil, however, has been abandoned and it remains just an procedural today. The writer also discloses that todays terrorists are from small nation who have dispute everywhere large powers while Hiroshima atom bomb attack was made on a nation that had conceded overwhelm and was ready for negotiations (273).While doctor and nurses at hospitals across the city tended to hundreds of damaged people, a disquieting nose out grew throughout the day at other triage centers and emergency rooms that there, would, actually be less work the morgues were going to be busiest. (418)In the normal life, even a distant thought of a love ones death creates fear and we scold ourselves for such a thing, but seeing the bloodstained dance of death and losing precious lives due to such outrageous and mindless violent act is tall(a) to most of us. A war without principles and terrorism are both extremely cowardly deeds. He continuesBut the real carnage was conc ealed for now by the twisted, smoking,
Monday, April 29, 2019
Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector Essay - 1
Understanding Challenges In The thirdly Sector - Essay ExampleHence, the third sector became a really interesting model for me to show and I learned how the entity succeed to survive when I progress toed as a volunteer with them.The organization I opted for this portfolio is a community organization St. Elizabeths, which manages children, youngsters, and adults within its school, college, and residential care home respectively. While becoming share of St. Elizabeths I completed that they work to support the needy with their problems. They were supported by charitable whole caboodle and people same(p) me volunteered there, hence, making it part of the third sector. Moreover, it also positively support the economy by providing employments and working opportunities to individuals like me who want to return something to their society.St Elizabeths is a traditional organization which was established in 1903 and has a history of more than 100 years. I learned that organization first charitable work was done by the Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross of Liege (the Congregation). During my volunteer work I also realized that they were a Roman Catholic religion based congregation, which was founded in 1833. However, over the period of time St Elizabeths has evolved and managed superior developments which cater to vulnerable people with disorders.Every institute operates to fulfill the goals, similarly, I comprehended that St Elizabeths also has its organizational goals and they focused towards achieving them. While working there as a volunteer I noticed that the goal is to share care and compassion with every individual which require it the most. Hence, St Elizabeths was treating as much people as possible to overcome their learning disabilities. It plays a strong role as a NGO and has the support from the public sector.I think that there should be more organizations like St. Elizabeths working for the betterment of people with learning
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Writing an open MEMO Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Writing an open MEMO - Term Paper moralHaving been dismissed three times, De La Campa still insists that she was discriminated against and her supervisors said words that were against her gender. Yes she has a case since the words communicate to her by her supervisor and employer are versedly discriminating and she therefore needs justice Answer No in these cases, first De La Campa appeals against her case with her employer and supervisors about her familiar arrestment. Having gone to three courts both dismissing her cases against her supervisors as containing no intentional inflictions of any ruttish distress on De La Campa based on her sexual orientation. In this case, De La Campa alleges that Garcia and Teixeira subjected her to a pervasive and severe pattern of sexual harassment. This included and not peculiar(a) to comments that were derogatory that were homosexually related, unwelcoming abusive conducts and acts that were directed to her due to her sexual orientation, and since she asked for her right to work freely without discrimination, all these were condition to her. She claims that Teixeira advised her that Grifols was not very pleased by the way that she was sexually oriented and that this could lead to her termination. She besides claims that she was excluded from social functions and corporate sponsored functions due to her sexual orientation.... CREAC Contention De La Campa has a case against her employer and her supervisors due to the harassment that she got from her sexual orientation and the exclusion that she got from her sexual orientation. It is in any case evident from the actions of the employers that threatened the termination of De La Campa that she was going to be terminated due to her sexual orientation. . Aguilera also has a case due to the injury that she got from the machines that were operated by the company. Mrs. McCarson is also entitled to sue the insurance company for failing to pay for her medication yet she had been insured. Rule The only component part of the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress tort that is in dispute is the outrageous element. The Florida Supreme act defines an outrageous conduct as a conduct that is so outrageous in character, and so radical in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. McCarron, 467 So.2d 277, 279 (Fla.1985) (adopting monetary standard set forth in the Restatement (Second) of Torts, section 46 cmt. d (1965) for evaluating claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress). What constitutes outrageous conduct is a question for the trial court to determine as a payoff of law. Johnson v. Thigpen, 788 So.2d 410, 413 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001). Explanation from this it is clear that a person is guilty of sexual discrimination only if he/she does anything that s considered outrageous and that goes beyond any possible bounds of decency. It is very important to consider an act as outrageous since this will be the factor to make the employer guilty or not. Due to the distress that De La Campa experienced, it is evident that she has a case here
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Adolescent therapy for parent-adolescent crises regarding personal Essay
Adolescent therapy for parent-adolescent crises regarding person-to-person freedom - Essay Example2), and as he/she also encounters other unexpected life events much(prenominal) as sudden change in family structure, changes in the school or in schooling, and accidents that can infringe on his/her well-being. (Dumont & Provost, 1999, p. 343)As adolescents undergo this transitory stage, many features of their social world are transformed (Brown & Huang, 1995, p. 151), of which the nearly dramatic is no other than peer relations, wherein the teenager establishes his/her standing among peers. (Brown, 1990, p. 171). They begin to spend more cartridge holder with and value their friends more than they used to. Thus, it might seem as if they are starting to cut ties with parents and excrete their ideals (Guzman, 2007, p. 1751). Previous research by Berndt (1979), Hunter & Youniss (1982), Selman (1980) has linked the decline in parental authority over adolescents to the dominance of t he peer group (as cited in Smetana & Asquith, 1994, p. 1148), which have been found to assume greater importance in adolescence than in middle childhood (Savin-Williams & Berndt, 1990 Youniss & Smollar, 1989, as cited in Ibid)With this, some theories suggest that adolescents become more independent as the power of family to control them weakens. (Adelson & Doehrman, 1980, Blos, 1979, Freud, 1965, 1969, as cited in Peterson, Bush, & Supple, 1999, p. 431 Freud, 1958, as cited in Brown & Huang, 1995, p. 151) However, a meaningful number of empirical researches show otherwise. Researches by Baltes and Silverburg (1994), Baumrind (1991), Collins and Repinski (1994), Cooper, Grotevant, and Condon (1983), Grotevant and Cooper (1986) Hill and Holmbeck (1986), Offer, Ostrov, and Howard (1981), Peterson (1995), Sebald (1986), Steinberg (1990), Silverberg and Gondoli (1996), and Youniss and Smollar (1985) revealed that adolescent autonomy emerges at bottom a family context in which the youn g expresses admiration for, seek advise from, and
Friday, April 26, 2019
Proposal Argument Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Argument - Research Proposal ExampleIndeed, looking at the recent trends in the healthcare industry, one is forced to raise the question Are good hospitals truly accessible/ afford open to the poor?In the changing economic scenario, guaranteed employment is not a viable option. In the recent years, increasing number of Americans have inadequate or have no health insurance cover beca work of unemployment. According to Enthovan more than 45 millions U.S. residents do not have access to health care (Enthoven, 2003). Lack of public funding and the increasing cost of healthcare deliverables has become a coarse concern. Falling sick has become a luxury that very few people are able to afford. Deckard says that compared to other industrialized nations, the joined States has shown the greatest reluctance to move into a unified publicly owned and financed healthcare system (Deckard, 2006) which has adversely affected the socio-economic outcomes of the nation.Bradford Kirkman-Liff, profe ssor of health policy and biotechnology at azimuth State University has elaborated on the cause and factors of the deteriorating healthcare system in United States (Bradford, video). Interesting, the increasing meter of baby boomers have become the major beneficiaries of the patchy public funded healthcare resulting in increased use and... we wont be able to assure baby boomers that high-quality health care nor will we be able to assure the generation paying for this care that we wont bankrupt it in the work out (Ganim & Reinhardt, 2004). Hence, the need for comprehensive feedback of delivery system and a careful consideration to all the various pros and cons of the create situations in the public health care has become the need of the hour.In the last few decades, United State has seen a marked shift in the healthcare which has moved from public driven policies to marketplace funded paradigms. According to scholars, the migration of healthcare
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Peer Review Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Peer Review - Article causaThe writer mentioned several cases and evening discussed three cases in detail where the person or a NP had to face profound actions afterwards after they tried to act as Good Samaritans. The methodology was non complex in this case because most of the specific data was reviewed and taken from cases in courts and articles published. Writer even went on to mention several suggestive measures for NP in specific and other medical professionals in general about the way they should act in case there is any emergency. The conclusion is precise well supported by the case, writer has established. There is a definite confusion and synchronization among various(a) states about this faithfulness so it is very important for a NP to act according to the law of the state she is working on. Moreover, the writer also stresses the need of stronger and better legislation among states so that NPs are not hesitant to act when they see any emergency home. This would red uce morbidity and mortality and even set aside NPs a chance to render their services for the goodwill of people. This law is not applicable in unite State but has also been adopted in a slight different form by other countries as mentioned by the writer.This topic is very important for afterlife consideration of nursing because it bath relate to their life and presents a problem that any nurse can face even outback(a) work environment. These discussions would dish a nurse to make her decision in such a situation as per the laws of the state she is working in. This is a life saving procedure but involves some legal problems that can occur in some of the cases (Tumolo, J. 2002).This is one field that has a lot of scope for future research on the same lines. More studies and analysis of various cases would even highlight the issue which would help in proper law making in different states. Nurses should also be encouraged by means of research and publication not to hesitate when it is about
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
How Alexander the Great Influenced Current History Essay
How black lovage the Great Influenced Current History - Essay ExampleFrom this discussion it is clear thathe was a large(p) leader and a perfect general, he had an awe-inspiring personality and great metal ability that allowed him to conquer successfully through the Victory of Persia. Ancient Egyptian people used to adore him as a god. The way he managed through all the hardships and campaigned and lead his kingdom has great many a(prenominal) display cases that has affected todays people in many ways. black lovage also inspired many some other famous leaders such as Napoleon and Caesar.As the paper highlightsAlexander spread out(p) the Greek agriculture throughout the world and in this way he influenced the global cultural variety. He changed the lives and living styles of people slightly him and made tremendous efforts for the dominance of Western culture which successfully prevailed in many areas and its effects can lock be seen today. Before him the Greek culture was yet some(a) other culture of the world, but with Alexander and his conquests, The culture of Greece was the broadcast throughout the entire Middle eastmost. Alexander also realized the importance of flourishing economy through development of trade and commerce. He, therefore, was habituated to building ports and his fresh conquests proved to be his new trading partners. Therefore, he played a great role in developing international trade and commerce and set a good example for the leaders in todays world.Alexander was interested in trade and commerce, so he became a pioneer in urban planning and development. This opened up another way for Alexander to influence the culture through his city planning and development techniques. He established towns that corresponded each other and looked alike and each town was added on with a central school, market, areas for recreational activities and gyms. During his era people started to relocate from rual area to more central city locations (C hapter 12 Alexander Changes the World). These ideas and patterns of urban development are still widely observed in different parts of the world. Another way in which he changed the sustenance style of people was through improving the education standards by establishing many elementary schools throughout his conglomerate where young children learnt not only basic reading, writing, and math skills but also about their own culture and civics.Alexander also introduced the idea of free participation in government which meant that the government was for all, not just the wealthy and the mighty. This led to the fast development of his own empire and also inspired other countries around his empire to follow the same system of government for their betterment. Through his good leadership, planning and thinking abilities Alexander expanded his influence even beyond the expectations of
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The challenges, benefits and trade-offs of expanding the reach of Essay
The challenges, benefits and trade-offs of expanding the reach of international law - Essay manakinThe essay will discuss what is done normatively, touching upon individual rights and responsibilities at the institutional level. Benefits A enactment of things nourish evolved normatively and alike at the institutional level to incorporate individual responsibilities and rights in international law. This has direct to the significant advancements and benefits for individuals. Firstly, the individual rights argon recognized in a more formal and appropriate capacity, as it is evident within the context of the Universal Declaration of The Human Rights. It identifies the peoples dignity and also the equal and inseparable rights of individuals, such as freedom of belief and speech. These rights should be protected by the regulation of law. It became adopted in 1948 by the General Assembly of the join Nations. It indicated that member-countries had to publicize the Declaration text, d isseminate, display, and have it rewrite principally in all educational institutions, without distinctions based on the status of the political mood of nations or territories. This has enabled the education of individuals about their rights on a global scale (Diehl, 2009). The fact that there is the documentation of the rights and they have blend in codified provided people with confidence to step forward and seek protection when their rights are violated. For example, the geneva Convention and its two added protocols regulate the behaviour in an armed conflict. It is now common for soldiers globally to deal each and every person injured in combat with the same respect and dignity veritable(a) if he or she is an enemy. The more people become aware of their fundamental human rights, the easier it is to take locomote in cases of abuse. Citizens who have their rights violated with no action taken by their government will become aware that justice is possible within the framework of the foreign Law (Sharon, 2010). Not only is the International Law efficient or effective but it also is a departure point, and it contains extensive potentials. In different instances, individuals seek compensation for injuries and are able to help other sufferers in the future. There are other instances where individuals do not have their government on their behalf. For example, when the 16 year old Michael Dominiques sentenced to last for committing murder in the state of Nevada lost his appeal in 2000 at the Supreme Court, he took it forward to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. His state had failed to protect the third article of the United Nations Charter, the right to life. He had the opportunity of taking the law into his own hands and claiming that the application of the death penalty would violate the United States treaty and the customary international law refusing the execution of juveniles. Based on the fact that the execution of twist offenders under t he age of 18 was considered an issue of jus cogens in international customary law, the sitting judge conclude that executing a minor would be a grave and irreparable violation. Dominiques life was spared collectible to the international law. Also, with the help of Roper versus Simmons case, by 2005 America changed its stance and proclaimed that the death penalty for minors would be considered
Case Study 4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case teaching 4 - Research Paper ExampleThere is need to embrace analytics in the health keeping sectors with the intention of shunning medical experts diagnosis opinion without statistical encyclopedism approach. The predictive analytics is accurate, and has an arithmetical learning approach because one only needs to acquire knowledge on how to use the analytics (5th European & ontogeny Countries Clinical Trials Partnership Forum, 2010). examination 2 The predictive analytics plays a significant role in the cookery of intelligent decision support that upholds in lowering the healthcare treatment cost. Combination of effective DSS and promising analytics can help in preventing costly diagnostic errors because many sources of data can be polished and changed into meaningful information with time (Chih-Lin, Nick & David, 2000). This is especially vital in the current world where the demand for health care is higher than the supply. This means that the DSS helps improving the efficiency of health process. For examples, it helps in reducing campaign duplication and unfavorable events. ... Question 3 The DSS has played a vital part in the EuResit projects in various ways. First, the project deals with huge patient and therapist data. Besides, the DSS combined with predictive analytics has been helpful in the projects because they help in the faster data processing. This has helped is saving time consequently shortening the projects duration. Through this system, the medical experts could slow compare subjects data in the project. Additionally, DSS has been helpful in the projects since it has helped in reducing the project costs. Reduction of costs occurs due to the shortening of the data processing time. DSS is also used in the ViroLab in the projects to prevent the researchers from conducting the very(prenominal) tests twice (Michael, Kai, & Rema, 2007). The DSS has been valuable in determining the right combination of drugs in the projects. This is v ital since it prevented the overdose of patients that could go past to drug resistance. The system did this by creating standard datum. The use of the DSS has also been helpful in providing immediate feedback, and conducting diagnosis in the project. This has been supportive in preventing the medical errors that result from poor diagnosis that eventually leads to drug cerebrate perniciousness. However, the DSS has enabled the researchers to create precise patient model that has been helpful in reducing the occurrence of the toxicity. Additionally, the prevention of toxicity has also been achievable in the projects because of the DSS ability to predict the response of patients to the treatments used in the project (Peter, Mark, Brent, Swarna, et al, 2001). Question 4 The EuResists might face resistance from both medical expert and patients. Many
Monday, April 22, 2019
Marketing's role is to encourage consumption (Lazer, 1969). This Assignment
Marketings role is to encourage consumption (Lazer, 1969). This statement is as aline now as it was in 1969 - Assignment ExampleThe main role of marketing is to encourage the consumption. In order to increase the consumption of a intersection point or service the company has to first of every develop interest in the minds of the toss offrs to go for the product. This is the context where the modern definition of marketing is applicable. Marketing is the functioning of interesting potential customers and clients in products and/or services. The interest created in the minds of the prospective consumers compels them to go for the product and later increases the consumption to a grater extent. A company has to concentrate on the following four components of marketing mix to encourage the consumption. They are products and services, promotion, distribution and pricing. These are the four sensitive areas that a company has to sanely deal with while marketing is carried out to incr ease the consumption. When any one of these areas is not properly regarded it is qualifying to affect a companys growth as it adversely influences the interest of the customer to consume the product and will result in the decline of overall consumption. The paper under discussion tries to attest that the statement Marketings Role is to Encourage Consumption is as true now as it was in 1969. The main role of marketing is to encourage the consumption even though it has many opposite functions. All these functions mutually focus on encouraging consumption and thereby increasing the sales and profit.A companys marketing efforts are directed at the objective of encouraging consumption finished customer satisfaction and customer relationship. Maintaining a satisfactory relationship with the consumers is necessary to keep the consumers as customers for ever. A good customer relationship is essential for encouraging the volume of consumption. When a company tries to develop customer rel ationship, the company actually wants to retain the customers as long as possible. A marketing company would go on
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Law Enforcement Supervision Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Law Enforcement Supervision - designation ExampleLeadership and Organizational Culture Negative images and observations of people within the law enforcement organizations create an forbidding working environment. In turn, this adversely influences organizational effectiveness, which is needed to counter crime, turmoil and other services. Society is deprive of quality and expected police force services due to the unhealthy functioning of the police agencies. A prosperous, education working environment enables police agencies to focus on providing premium police services in a time of meager resources. Every police organization has its own unique sub-culture (Crank & Caldero, 2000). In spite of this, police organizations sh ar certain characteristics, which make them similar due to shared experiences. All police agencies deem themselves to be paramilitary agencies, different from the mainstream community, who are required to be hyper-vigilant all around the clock (Gilmartin, 2002). Likewise, they experience tedium, are compelled to work while others go on vacations, and most importantly they live through life and goal experiences together. Consequently, they became bound together in an emotional culture. This culture also serves to glue supervisors to the people and agencies they serve in. Additionally, it delineates the learn confidential conduct in relation to publicitys and the act of getting detached from one police subculture and being bound to another. John G. Serier has noted in his report, that a mutual experience amongst first-line police supervisors was leaving the birth (Serier J. , 2003). Initially in their career, supervisors occupy the same position as line officers, working sidelong them. However, promotion to supervisor separates them from others they had worked with for years. Hence, acceptance by peers of a police officer is an integral and prized stage for them (Manning, 1989). Becoming a supervisor denotes the leave of an officer from his peer group. Additionally, it also signifies seeking acceptance of novel peers and upper level management of police agencies. Supervisory models Supervisors act as influential figures for other officers owing to various mechanisms. For instance, the bid supervisory model focuses on the formal authority in the hands of supervisors. It advocates that adherence to bureaucratic standards and displace high performance standards can positively influence subordinates behavior (Allen & Maxfield, 1983). However, the downside is that the command model mitigates the task environment. As opposed to this, the bargaining supervisory model advocates mutual dependence of supervisors and officers. Officers need to seek small favors from supervisors such(prenominal) as favorable working schedules, partners, cases, departmental discipline, and the like factors. On the other hand, supervisors are dependent on subordinates productivity and maintain a low profile to keep out of problems. This recipr ocity instead of the lordly chain of command positively affects the behavior of subordinates. The impact of supervisors lead be then equal to the benefits that will be provided to the subordinates. However, these benefits are restricted in public agencies like police organizations that are governed by polite service laws. Hence, it can be concluded that subordinates attitudes are modestly affected by the priorities of supervisors. Transactional leadership
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Corporate Strategy Part A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Corporate Strategy Part A - Essay congressmanrated by the talk industry in 2013 was $81,447.9 million and that of the consumer electronics industry was $247.2 billion despite minor fluctuation. The trade value of the industries has attracted numerous domestic and international companies and as a result competition has increased considerably. virtually prominent companies operating in these industries are Apple, Samsung, Lenovo, Dell, Blackberry, Amazon and Nokia (Market line, Global communications equipment, http//advantage.marketline.com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/Product?pid=MLIP1262-0005, 2014, (accessed 10 August 2015) Market line, Global - Consumer Electronics, http//advantage.marketline.com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/Product?pid=MLIP1271-0012, 2014, (accessed 10 August 2015)).The business environment has find highly dynamic with heavy exposure to various uncertainties. In this regard, strategic management plays an important parting for managing uncertainty by means of decisions , investments and processes. Moving ahead on this notion, the paper assesses and compares environment, market and business strategies of two renowned companies, Apple and Blackberry for understanding their agonistical approach and future prospect.Market and industry psychoanalysis is essential for companies because it presents vast scope for understanding current and future market size, growth rate and favorableness of industry, pricing structure of the industry, market trends and key success factors for the company with respect to its competitors. Michael E. Porter (The five competitive forces that shape strategy,Harvard business review, vol.86, no. 1, 2008, pp. 25-40) has proposed the five force model for industry analysis and the modelling has been implemented to assess industry environment of Apple and Blackberry along with brief SWOT analysis.The communication equipment and consumer electronics industry chiefly comprises of small buyers and individual consumers who predomi nantly end users of the
Friday, April 19, 2019
Discuss the role played by morality or obligation in Antigone Essay
wrangle the role played by morality or obligation in Antigone - Essay ExampleCreon had passed over the instructions that forbade everybody to bury the dead body of Polyneices. Creon wanted the dead body of Polyneices to rot and get eaten up by wild animals and vultures because Polyneice had died as a traitor in an attempt to attack the city. Antigone, like more people in her time, held a belief that the souls of deceased people remain restless as spacious as they are not buried. not only did Antigone take a stand against Creons ending of leaving Polyneices body unburied, she actually took practical measures that prove her sincerity. However, it was not easy to go against the consent of the coercive ruler of the time. When Antigone had decided to bury her brothers dead body, she knew she was going to risk her life and was intimately likely to be assassinated for her act. However, the fear of worldly punishment could not keep her from carrying out the orders of her gods. Not onl y did Antigone comply with the standards of morality on burying the dead body of Polyneice, but also, she would not let Ismene take the charge for having done the job because this would put Ismene into trouble. This causes the reader to draw conclusions about Antigone that she was daring, courageous, bold, prudent and considerate. She offered so much importance to her moral values that she would happily embrace death to live up to them.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
History - Essay ExampleThe oecumenic Declaration of Human Rights (UDHC)v is based upon these four exemptions, and this judge will examine which articles correspond to these four loosendoms. This essay will also examine Barack Obamas speech, which also corresponds to the four licenses as well. Many of the articles correspond to the freedom from tending. This might be because the declarations of human repairs are protection documents for peoples lives, so the the UDHC would be concentrate upon this. Many of the articles seem to deal with issues such as slavery, torture and other atrocities that might happen in a dictatorship or during wartime. For instance, Article 5 states that no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. This would definitely be aligned with the freedom from fear if a person is subjected to some kind of torture, and this is known to the person, then this would definitely induce fear in this person. FDR might ha ve meant freedom from fear in a broader sense, in that citizens need to be free from other countrys threatening their borders with war, notwithstanding torture would be in line with this freedom as well. Further, another article that is aligned with the freedom from fear is Article 14 and this article states that everybody has the right to seek and enjoy mental hospital in other countries if they are being persecuted. This, too, is based upon the freedom from fear, in that, if individuals are being persecuted, which often happens in countries where there is some kind of ethnic cleansing or the country is under siege from war. in that respectfore, they have a right, if they are living in fear, to seek asylum from another country where they wouldnt be living in this fear. Another freedom is the freedom from want. This is more or less associated with the previous freedom, the freedom from fear, in that want and fear often happen in the same conditions. There is an article that cor responds to this freedom, as well, and that is Article 17, which is the freedom to own property and also states that nobody shall arbitrarily uncase another person of this property. This corresponds to the freedom from want, in that, if a person owns property, then this is a measure of prosperity and wealth. This also means that the person is less likely to want if the person does fall on heavy(p) times, then the owning of the property can sustain him or her. Owning property is not a guarantee against poverty, but it makes it less likely that poverty would happen to that particular individual. Another article which corresponds to this freedom is Article 23, which states that everybody has a right to work and free choice of employment, without discrimination and with favourable remuneration, which ensures that the persons family has dignity and respect, as well as means of social protection. This is more related to the freedom from want, because, as with owning property, having a occupation would ensure some type of economic security. It might be marginal, as, in different countries, wages are known to be quite low, but, even if the pay is minimal, it still is better than nothing. And, no matter how minimal the wage is, the money would still go towards providing the basic necessities of the people of the country, and this would correspond from the freedom from want. Freedom of piety is another important freedom, and some of the articles
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Theories on Cognitive Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Theories on Cognitive Process - Essay eccentricIn verbal communication, it is not enough to refer to actual tidingss or phrases to decode the kernel of the speaker. There may be some nuances or shades of meaning to any particular word or phrase depending on the intention of the speaker, and likewise, the recipient of the communication. As such, the combination of any two statements verbalise in succession or randomly may or may not have a kinship, and such a relationship may only be inferred. Philosopher Paul Grice introduced this concept of implicature, in which the relationship of two statements is imp deceitfulnessd but not required.Hearers routinely work under a set of assumptions in their explanation of verbal communication, and this is where the problem of pragmatics surface. While these assumptions may be accurate, ambiguities and nuances in meaning may give lie to a presumed fact and while such ambivalence may not be immediately apparent, ruin to allow for such circum stances may lead to a misinterpretation of the speakers intention, leading to a sectionalisation in communications. Pragmatic interpretation is considered by from this argument many as a non-demonstrative inference process, in which there is no certainty of the correctness of the hearers interpretation.Pragmatism in communication may make single-valued function of inference to det... There are several views by which pragmatic interpretation is viewed, one of which is where it is considered completely metapsychological. In this view, the Fodorian central processes or theory of wit is applied in which mind-reading is involved. The authors propose that a metacommunicative module may be developed from the application of the Fodorian central system in which ambiguities of verbal communication may be resolved.Grice believed that comprehension is attained through a calculation or working-out schema which upon reflection may search to be rather tedious with the use of long chains of inf erences, and not convincingly a soulfulness normally would pursue comprehension. It also underestimates the metapsychological aspect of comprehension. The current trend in cognitive studies is to view the mind is modular, and Grice concurs that this implementation of his approach may be a way to work out the presence of a conversational implicature intuitively. This modular view of the mind is based on the tendency in evolution to subscribe systems that promote efficiency, and that many of these systems are genetically subscribed. In mind-reading, it is assumed that it is not a general target reasoning apparatus, but a dedicated module that exploits the regularities in intentional behaviour although it is uncertain how this mechanism works. There are many theories, such as the rationalization account which uses a form of belief-desire reasoning, the semblance account where intentions are attributed through acting out the action for interpretation, the Gricean account of implica turs and relevance-theoretic accounts. It is suggested that within the
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Discuss the Satire of Pride and Prejudice Essay Example for Free
Discuss the Satire of vainglory and Prejudice EssayThe definition of raillery in the Oxford English dictionary is using humour or exaggeration to show what is wild virtually a individual or thing In pridefulness and Prejudice this notion is to the gamyest degree played upon, with Jane Austen using raillery throughout the novel in different ways. It is an entertaining way of subtly poking delight at a person, or group of peck, which they are perhaps unaware of.Pride and Prejudice is a light-hearted novel, which although it picks out particular faults in party which existed thus, and as Jane Austen sees them, it is a different lineament of satire to the type of satire that George Orwell uses in animal removedm. Whilst Orwell is poking bedment at a political system, Austen is poking fun at the social circles that surround her in e trulyday life. In my own person-to-person view, both successfully ridicule the groups that they intend to. Both authors play on the faults, and enlarge and exaggerate them.Although Austen uses satire in her novel, it is concealed to all and the in speciateigent who see the very purpose and not on the button the comical factor of it all. Austen uses it lightly, and subtly, it is not blatant. She uses it benignly, and never means to be harsh, and offensive. She shows what she has observed, and picks concourses traits it is the people around her who are the excitement for the characters in her novels.Using satire she showed the social snobbery between the classes. She showed how the wealthy upper class treat their browse and class and considered him ego or herself higher than anyone else. They used people to gain social status in society, and for example, Mr. Collins used to name drop to gain respect from others, when frequently it would backfire on him, and the people would either end up laughing at him or disliking him entirely. Quite often when a person was being rude to them, they would not notice, as it was subtle, this is satire. It is a way of stirring, but it is nevertheless ever-affected people if they could meet it properly.In the text itself, it is very effective. On the come along the novel seems exchangeable a complicated love-story, but underneath it shows the true traits of society in the time of Jane Austen. Austen uses characters from the novel to depict the different types of people that at that place were in those times.In the novel there are several characters that are continually made fun of satirically. The novel starts with a strong statement, It is truth universally known that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in need of a wife. This is as if it is notice in stone, and believed by a surge of the characters, such as Mrs. Bennet, Lydia and Charlotte Lucas. By saying this, it is showing the fair sex to be shallow, and only really caring about the material things in life, such as how more money a man has. The more money he has, the more appealing he is to marry. chick Catherine de Bourgh is another example of a character that has been satirised. She is a lady who comes from the Upper Crust of society, and has a very high flavour of her. She says herself to be highly intelligent and superior to everyone else. She overprotects her daughter, and has an immense amount of control over those who are of her acquaintance.Austen shows bird Catherines true character using dialogue. For example, when lady Catherine goes to visit Lizzie Bennet, and they have an argument, Lady Catherine defends her self by saying Do you know who I am? You are shown whom she really is when she talks. Her opinion is strong, and she dislikes people talking back at her. In the novel, when Lizzie Bennet was dining with her, she would frequently ask a question, then answer it herself. Austen uses Lady Catherine as an example of a person who has a lot of money, and I high up in the social hierarchy, but lacks manners and tact, and is a general s nob.A close acquaintance of Lady Catherine is Mr. Collins who is a cousin of the Bennets. He is the chaplain at Rosings Park, for Lady Catherine. Mr. Collins almost worships Lady Catherine, as she has a lot of money, and he name is well known in society. He is fantastically materialistic, and puts money over personality. He tries to impress people by name dropping, often using Lady Catherine, in hope to gain popularity. He feels that it is important to do this, so that people will be impressed by him, as not only does he know Lady Catherine, he dines with her at least once a week. He is an example of nearone who thinks that he has to be accepted in society and does this by varied means.He is a snob, and dislikes people that he feels are below him, although he himself is not highly popular. He has a fine image of himself in his head, and holds a good opinion of himself. You are shown that he is shallow when he asks Lizzie Bennet to marry him, as he claims that he is in love with her , and then when she refuses, he quickly got engaged to Charlotte Lucas, which on the nose proves that he did not love Lizzie, and only asked her, as Lady Catherine said that he should have a wife. He is satirically made fun of most when he proposes to Lizzie Bennet. Austen makes the reader almost pity him, as he embarrasses himself to no end, without really penetrating it, and making the reader laugh at him.You can compare Mr. Collins to Mr. Darcy. Mr Darcy is high up in the social hierarchy, as he takes after his fathers name who set such an example, and he sees no curtilage for him to name drop at all, especially as he is already at the height of society anyway. Mr. Darcy comes across as the type of person who is actually fine with those who are below him, and although he whitethorn be off with them, and have formed opinions of them, his mind is not closed, and so there is a outlook for it to change.This is shown when he is kind and civil to the Bennets who were not of the sam e class as him. Mr. Darcy does not seem to enjoy the company of Mr. Collins as he is a sycophant, and tries to get to know Mr. Darcy by talking about Lady Catherine, Mr. Darcys aunt. He is an example of someone who is a gentleman, and does not abuse his social rank, although it may seems like that to many people who do not know him very well. Mr. Darcy was born into money, and so always knew what it was like, and so does not need to abuse it, when there are other people who were not born into money, and do. For example, they top executive have got their money from labouring, and then made it big, and disowned their former history, and then mocked the people who were labouring. The Bingley sisters are a perfective tense example of this.The Bingley sisters are examples of new money, people who were not born into money, but made their money themselves. notwithstanding though this is the case, they like to think that they were born into money, and pretend that they were always in pol ite society. They abuse their rank in society, and they mock the people who they feel are below them, they think that those who work for their money are of the lower class this is ironic as they themselves made their money in such a way. The Bingley sisters are examples of people who have money, and really abuse it by thinking that they are very high up in life, and are rude to those who they think are below them.Mr. Bingley is a true gentlemen, who does not let on a person by how much money they have. He is an example to all those who thought that they were go than anyone else were. He treated everyone with respect. This is shown when he falls in love with Jane Bennet, who everyone else thought was far below him, and that Mr. Bingley was far superior to her. He showed everyone else that it did not matter where a person was on the rich list, but what classify of person they were, and that their personality mattered.William Lucas was a vain and boastful man, and boasts a lot about his knighthood, but he isnt really all that experienced, and it is all just a large faade that he is hiding behind. He is an example of someone who is really proud, but does not really have a reason to be proud.All of the characters mentioned, and several others in the novel are metaphorically wearing a mask, and pretend to be something that they are not, just so that they can be excepted into polite society. They are all one person, as they are like sheep, and copy each other, so that they can also be excepted easier. For example, when no-one knew of the deeds Wickham had done, everyone like him, as most people did, but when some people found out what he had done, horizontal if they did not tell anyone, you could tell that everyone else was trying to copy them by not being civil to him.They just used to follow the crowd, and they would get so caught up in what they were trying to be, that they would forget who they really were, and what their real identity was. Austen depicts th is using satire in her novel, and makes it known to the reader what it was like in those times. In some ways it also can be reflected on what it still is nowadays, except nowadays there is a sheet over it all, and so you cannot see it that much.All in all I think that the satire is very affective, and I think that Austen uses it to her advantages, and it reflects true fully what the real situation was in those times, and how it was hard to tell whom the real people were. I think that the satire that she uses is really clever, and it makes you think a lot. On the surface it is quite light hearted, but underneath the surface it is much deeper than humour, and it makes you catch that there was a lot of people who were so obsessed with being sociable, that in the end you had to laugh at them.It is hard to understand it fully nowadays, as times have changed, and people have different minds. The satire could become diluted in such situations, but I think that in this case it does not, and it stays strong. I think this because it just makes the modern world which we live in seem so much more trivial, and it gives you an understanding of what it must have been like to live then. I feel that the satire used in Pride and Prejudice is altogether witty, and clever, never once failing to mean something.
Studying in American university of Kuwait Essay Example for Free
Studying in American university of Kuwait EssayEstablished in 2003 by Amiri Decree 139, American University of Kuwait (AUK) is an autonomous liberal arts institution. Its campus is situated at the interbreeding of Salem Al Mubarak Street and Amr Ibn Al As Street in Salmiya district, Kuwait. In addition, AUK is a qualified body by the council for private universities and the Ministry of Higher Education of Kuwait state. The administrative structure and educational standards ar based on the American model of higher learning.The University strives at equipping students with essential skills for promoting critical sentiment and value for diversity. One of the major motivations for applying at AUK is its educational quality and diversity. The fact that the medium of instruction is English, the university offers a serene environment for any English speaker. Consequently, students from around the globe can join, owing to the fact that English is the most widely spoken language. In addition, with its large garden enclosed by offices and classes, the campus design offers an unfastened atmosphere for intensive learning.Apart from the design, its interactive and relaxing structures have greatly motivated me to study at AUK. This is mainly offered through pool tables and HD televisions found at a tent located at the main gate. AUK does not only offer curriculum activities, but also extra curriculum opportunities like athletic contest and clubs. Examples of athletics offered include, soccer, volleyball, basketball and table tennis, among others. Since the university values a multi heathen and a lively campus involvement, students of different cultural background makes this a reality.Similarly, self-awareness and effective communication skills offered, leads to responsible, morally acceptable individuals in societies. Thus, I believe I will become a good ambassador of the institution. Moreover, the students clubs and associations play a crucial role in giving bac k to the community. This is through community service activities, where I can take part and at the same time create goodwill between the institution and the surrounding community. In summary, I am convinced that my relationship with the AUK administration will create a win-win situation.The modern facilities and the high-speed internet work do not only attract me, but will also make my life in campus lively and collaborative. The institution has IT developments that will ensure a rich learning environment.A wide drift of degree programs offered in the institution creates a convenient space for diversity. Lastly, I find the university location preferably peculiar. Surrounded by major malls and cafes with American style, the location is just one of a kind.
Monday, April 15, 2019
A Little History Essay Example for Free
A Little History EssayIn a presidential term sponsored website unrivaled can find the interest information regarding the ancestry of roughly Taiwanese Archaeologists have give evidence of prehistoric human habitation in Taiwan that dates back 12,000 to 15,000 years, and suggests that the earliest ancestors of Taiwans present inhabitants came from at least two places southern China and Austronesia. Early settlers from southern China colonized in northern and central Taiwan (see Taiwan website). Aside from its proximity to China this historical pettiness provides an explanation why Taiwan is real similar to China. This also explains the influence of Chinese culture that is so evident in the whole of Taiwan culture. Food is the next thing to culture and since Taiwan is close related to Mainland China in terms of culture, there is also a significant similarity in the way food is prepargond. This is a factor to consider for any expatriate coming in to work. If the expatriate i s used to eating Chinese food then there is no problem adjusting to the culinary gustatory sensation of the Taiwanese people.The Economy In the CIA World Factbook a bright outlook is seen with regards to business opportunities, Taiwan has a dynamic capitalist economy with gradually decreasing guidance of investment and foreign trade by government authorities Exports have provided the primary impetus for industrialization. The trade surplus is substantial, and foreign reserves are the worlds third largest China has overtaken the US to become Taiwans largest exporting grocery (see CIA). The last statement in the above-mentioned information, the one about China becoming the number export market for this nation speaks volumes about the economical potential of Taiwan.This also tells of its strategic position. Moreover, judging from this business race in spite of the shaky political relationship with the Peoples Republic of China hints at Taiwans seriousness to overcome any obstacl e to become a serious economic player in the region, in Asia and the world in general. Conclusion Looking at Taiwan and sulfur Korea there is not much difference. This manner that if I am forced to go to either one then I will be able to survive, thrive, and most probably succeed.Yet, since I have a choice in this matter, then I will choose Taiwan over South Korea. The following reasons supports my decision. Culture As mentioned earlier my family originally came from China. This means that I was raised in a family that practices or even cherishes values similar to those in China. Now, since Taiwan is considered part of China then it also implies that both(prenominal) countries share similar cultural traits. The same could not be said of South Korea whose culture is very different from the Chinese of mainland China.Having similar culture could also mean that it will take me a shorter totality of time to learn the dos and donts of the Taiwanese culture. This translates to efficien cy and promotion up the corporate ladder. This also means less(prenominal) mistakes and an increase in customer satisfaction. It also enable me to contribute in terms of loose inputs on how to improve servcie since I fully understand what the Taiwanes customers are actually saying and not and interpreting their words into English and assuming that translated words are the actual intent of their communication.Food The closest thing to culture is food. In this aspect Taiwanese cuisine is similar to those in the mainland. This means that less trouble for me nutrition wise. Many have said that the most difficult part in crosswalk over other culture is not the different clothes and not even the language barrier. What is most difficult according to many is learning to stomach the exotic foods available in a special locale.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Assessment Base Reading Instruciton Case Study Essay Example for Free
discernment Base yarn Instruciton Case Study EssayTable of Contents foundingDescription of the StudentBackground InformationPART 1 Administration of perspicacitysDIBELS A Universal judgment BatteryDescription and Purpose of the sagacitySetting for the AssessmentDescription of the Assessment Administration subroutineResults of the AssessmentAnalysis of the Assessment ResultsRunning RecordsDescription and Purpose of the AssessmentThe foot race rule book allows you to rule book the small frys yarn behavior as he or she reads from the book. The purpose of a running record is a tool workoutd to determine word recognition translation fluency reading strategies, self- corrections, and comprehension. It is an individually conducted formative assessment which is ongoing and curriculum based. It provides a graphicrepresentation of a disciples verbal reading, identifying patterns of effective and ineffective strategy use. This method was developed by Marie Clay, the originat or of Reading Recovery. Running records helps chronicle reading progress over time. Help teachers decide what students need to learn and matches students to appropriate books. We want to overtake all the behaviors to help interpret what the child was probably doing. Everything the child says and does reports us something when the reading is correct, what his hands and eyeball were doing, the comments he made and when he repeated a line of textbook. Setting for the AssessmentLibrary setting, by and by school. This was the only time available.Description of the Assessment Administration ProcessSelect a book that is the childs reading level. Explain to the child that he or she will read out clarion as you observe and record his or her reading behavior. Sit next to the child so that you put forward see the text and the childs finger and eye movements as he or she reads the text. use up running record form. As the child reads, mark each word on the running record form by using t he symbols on the chart that follows. Place a check mark higher up each word that is read correctly. If the child reads incorrectly, record above the word what the child reads. If the child is reading too fast for you to record the running record, ask him or her to pause until you catch up. Intervene as little as possible while the child is reading. If the child is stuck and unable to continue, wait 5 to10 seconds and tell him or her the word. If the child seems confused, indicate the point of confusion and say, Try again.Results of the AssessmentStudent read 156 voice communication at 98% accuracy. She had 3 errors and 2 self corrects. She missed boredom, I told her the word. She changed plan for idea, setting, characters, and beginning. She had trouble with meat and end. She did know the main idea but could not list supporting details. I would move this student to a higher level text. This text was easy for the student.Analysis of the Assessment ResultsStudent read 156 manner of speaking at 98% accuracy. She had 3 errors and 2 self corrects. She missed boredom, I told her the word. She changed plan for idea, setting, characters, and beginning. She had trouble with eye and end. She did know the main idea but could not list supporting details. This student needs lend oneself in retelling story in sequence. She had issues with middle and end. I think she was going for a fluency tick and read too fast. She had problems orally retelling middle and end. This level is an appropriate level for this student. I will use the results to plan for this student. Teaching purposes for running records. To find a book level appropriate for a child. envision a child after a series of lessons. value whether a lift in text level is appropriate. Observe particular difficulties in particular children in order to modify instructional emphasis. Evaluate in order to place a child in an appropriate instructional group, class or school. Add to a record which is monitoring an in dividuals progress over time.Reading originDescription and Purpose of the AssessmentSetting for the AssessmentDescription of the Assessment Administration ProcessResults of the AssessmentAnalysis of the Assessment ResultsAdditional Diagnostic Assessment Learner ChoiceDescription and Purpose of the AssessmentSetting for the AssessmentDescription of the Assessment Administration ProcessResults of the AssessmentAnalysis of the Assessment Resultsboilersuit Analysis of Assessment ResultsPART 2 Recommendations for Interventions and InstructionIdentifying Student NeedsRecommendations for Interventions and InstructionRecommendations for Further AssessmentReferencesAppendicesAppendix A DIBELS Scoring DocumentsAppendix B Running Records Scoring DocumentsAppendix C Reading Inventory DocumentsAppendix D Additional Assessment Documents
Friday, April 12, 2019
The Horse Business Essay Example for Free
The ply Business EssayIntroductionThe Horse Industry is unique. Throughout the world, people hire horses for custom as easy as for non-consumption purposes. Horses atomic number 18 bred either for the purposes of horseracing an internationally popular sport, or for purposes of consumption particularly in countries where horsemeat is considered a delicacy. Breeders rear pedigree(prenominal) horses specifically for racing purposes.A horse is a very viable and valuable commodity, so oft so that commercial insurance policies customarily offer protection for sufferers of high quality bangtails against theft, injuries and former(a) diseases. The authorities of the United States and several European countries maintain strong controls on horse reproduction. at that place are political limitations on the use of artificial insemination and abouttimes owners select to register their horses.Evidently, this intentness is unique and reaches across the nonpublic as well as th e public sphere. Racing is an entertaining and interesting military control (Chenault, 1994). Those snarly in the horseracing manufacturing are al focal points keen on increasing their horses abilities so that they may attract a broader consumer base and thus increase their returns from horseracing. These owners therefore explore numerous and varied opportunities to loot from their racehorses including investigating oppositewise racing choices such as simulcast races, which involve off- lead wagering.Slaughterhouses fiasco, for consumption, horses which concord outlived their usefulness, and are in deplorable health condition. Customers who use horsemeat in their diet purchase the trouncinged meat in large quantities (House of third estate Hansard, 2002).The main objective of this paper is to highlight those strategies and techniques of melodic phrase that can contribute to improvements in the horse constancy for the firms in either the public or insular sector who ar e involved with the racehorses or assassinate of horses. This interrogation will seek to discover ways that this manufacture can become to a greater extent good as well as examine the existing or chartered policies that could contribute to the necessary improvements. worry StatementHorseracing and the slaughtering of horses are two key exertion areas involving the use of horses and both private and public sector corporations hand some amount of share in either industry area. As with any other animal group it is no surprise that there is a continuing debate on the morals of both horseracing and horse slaughtering for consumption. These twin industry areas have been the targets of concerns raised on the ethic of slaughtering horses, particularly those that would have previously been take in the horseracing industry but which are no monthlong of further use to their owners for a variety of reasons. These horses may be diseased, injured or ill and have little first moment fo r future recovery. To ensure that they do not suffer a complete loss, owners of racehorses sell these unwanted horses to slaughterers. or so people are inwardnessly against the slaughtering of horses. In America and European countries, horsemeat is comparable to the meat of other large animals such as the buffalo, goat, sheep, pig and others. Since people without the United States and Europe desire to have horsemeat as a part of their diet then naturally, the slaughter industry too has its own place. Thus, while persons object to the slaughtering of horses, there are those who have little or no objection to the consumption of horsemeat.Similarly, there are objections to the use of horses for racing because of the reported cruel treatment of these animals and their injection with dangerous substances and steroids to put up performance. This is a very sore issue in the horse industry. Even sorer is the slaughtering of these horses when they are no agelong profitable in the horsera cing industry. This debate is challenging the viability of the equine industry, putting industry shareholders in an uncomfortable position. some(prenominal) the racehorse and the slaughtering industries are producing at their full capacities in the US and the rest of the world. Like any other business these industries whether private or public need to adopt sound business management strategies through appropriate training so as to be good in business and to turn in the scoop up service to buyers and consumers. The care and the right use of horses is excessively the matter of concern. The primary use of horses is for racing. However, one cannot head off the fact that the slaughterhouse, rather than the racecourse, becomes the home for horses unfit for racing. Every course of instruction, the number of unfit horses increases thus the number of slaughterhouses also increases. Slaughter industries in the public and private sectors purchase the unwanted horses.Traditionally, the hu nter-jumper mart has acquired most former racehorses that have no signs of muscular-skeletal abnormalities, and some use previous standard-bred racehorses for driving carriages. Horses that obtain career-ending injuries are not useful anymore for the owners and fall into the category of unwanted horses. Figures produced by the U.S. department of agriculture reveal, however, that the majority of horses slaughtered (92.3%) are quite rubicund and not, in fact, neglected. An overwhelming majority of Americans and members of Congress oppose slaughtering horses for human consumption (HSUS, 2007).One of the options in dealing with these unwanted horses is for slaughtering and distribution for consumption. The precise number of horses that make up this category of unwanted is unknown. However, some research reveals that 50,000 horses fall to slaughterhouses each year in the USA. The real number of unwanted horses is much higher than that reported. Horses used on farms are costly to owner s, specifically maintenance costs for food, wastage disposal and land use. The slaughter industry appears to be the most attractive option in dealing with these horses.Purpose StatementThe basic aims of the subject are to suggest methods of enhancing business productivity for persons involved in slaughtering or horseracing within the public and private sectors and to identify better ways of setting goals and objectives for their racehorses. Additionally this paper will attempt to identify and preach pick uses for unwanted horses besides slaughtering. The research will be dealing with both facts and numbers from the getable resource material as well as opinions and comments from surveys. Therefore, this paper will adopt a meld research method using both quantitative and qualitative techniques.American horse council estimates that almost 10% of all the horses die every year due to illness, injury, lack of proper environment and food provisions. There is a need for proper treatmen t and laws from the government to support the cause of increasing horse reproduction. calcium passed a law in 1998 protecting against horse theft and this has been effective in reducing such theft. Additionally mandates need to govern management aspects of the horse industry. Often the lack of proper means of transporting horses for slaughtering has contributed to the unessential death of horses.The usual means of transporting horses are more suited for shorter and smaller animals such as cows, pigs and cattle. These transported describe horses, which have a longer neck and body, into these cramped positions often causing injury. Those involved in the rapture of horses and are unable to afford the proper form of transportation have very little alternative and thus horses continue to suffer and their numbers decrease. The Government could provide subsidies to such persons working on minuscule to fulfill their needs.Forces of assume drive the market. Consumers world over with af firmative attitudes and who demand that meat products are nourishing, tasteful and of the best quality, and reasonably priced relative to income, availability, quality and relevance to life-style remain the leading driving forces in the market. However if discussions on meat production in developed countries raises speculation this could negatively affect demand negatively. In this regard, government has to seriously consider and reconsider their policies towards this industry.Undoubtedly, the meat industry not necessarily need information awareness programs but need to modify practices in order to satisfy fully client needs. In fact, technologists and scientists can contribute positively to this industry by developing newer strategies that are more efficient. These strategies allow in applying practices that result in less environmental damage, depend less on stimulants and additives, and that consider sensitive victimization of the new genetics and with more consideration for th e animals involved.Research QuestionsThe assumeing questions will guide the researchWhat are some guidelines for success in the horse industry?What are some key principles of the horse industry?What business ethics govern the horse industry?What alternative exist for racehorses that are no longer useful for racing?The research will also attempt to find out what are some of the business ethics, cordial stewardship, business leadership/management and stakeholder esteems for the Racehorse Industry, the Slaughter Industry and the reclusive sector?Proper ethics should govern and guide the operations of the private sector, the racehorse industry and the slaughter industry in their business management strategies in order to ensure effective leadership and social stewardship. A prospective entrepreneur in the racehorse industry should consider all necessary information to determine the size of the market and the possible share of his prospective business within the market. There should be some insurance plan for such businesses. The major point in focus for any business holder around the globe is to maintain profit. The ways to success are confusing and indefinite. The NFIB estimates that over the lifetime of a business, 39% are profitable, 30% break even, and 30% lose money (Blue Ribbon Consulting, 2006). subject matter LiteratureThe racehorse industry has been demonstrating positive levels of success and has had a considerable impact on the market overall. A 2003 summary report provided by the Louisiana State University summarized the successes and contributions of the horse industry as getThe race horse industry is composed of 1,178 breeders who own 10,161 mares that produced 5,971 foals that were sold in 2003 for $35.8 million. These breeders own 1,977 stallions that were bred to 5,313 mares, generating income from stud fees of $13.3 million.The keep down income generated from racehorse production was $49.1 million. An additional 2,229 racehorse owners pos sess 10,903 racehorses in training or on the track at a value of $109 million. The impact of racehorse owners and breeders activities in 2003 was $158.1 million.The show and competition horse industry (horse shows, barrel racing, cutting, roping, team penning, etc.) is composed of 2,600 breeders who own 7,847 mares that produced 4,901 foals that were sold for $14.7 million. These breeders own 718 stallions that bred 8,351 mares, generating $12.5 million in income from stud fees. The get income generated from show and competition horse production was $27.2 million. Another 4,634 owners compete on their 14,901 horses valued at $59.6 million. The total impact of the show and competition horse industry is $86.8 million.A large portion of the horse industry is recreational. The horse is used for comfort, exercise and enjoyment. About 20% or 8,570 of the recreational horse owners bred 21,554 mares and sold 11,392 foals in 2003 for $17.1 million. These horsemen own 933 stallions that were bred to 5,924 mares, generating income from stud fees of $592,400. The total income from production in the recreational horse industry was $17.6 million in 2003. Another 25,453 recreational horse owners have 61,366 horses valued at $61 million.There are 129,022 registered horses in Louisiana, owned by 45,331 horsemen. These horses are valued at $324 million. An additional 70,000 grade and other equines are owned by 25,000 people who have a $210 million impact on the economy.In addition to the value of horses produced and maintained in Louisiana, the activities of the horse industry generate a tremendous cash flow. The four racetracks employ 3,000 people and generate expenditures of about $1 jillion per year. The show and competition industry conducts an estimated 500 activities per year and generates $12.5 million in expenditures. With the value of horses, expenditures on horses and the activities in which they engage, the impact of the horse industry is estimated at $1.6 billion per year. (LSU, 2003).Apparently, the industry is heading in a positive direction. However, there needs to be better regulation of the industry, particularly in the development of appropriate business ethics to govern those involved in the industry. sound business ethics are one of the keys to organizational success. As a corporate strategy businesses involved with horses should lobby for effective legislation to protect the consumer, the business owner and the horse. In the U.K., for example, all horses are compulsory to possess a passport according to a legislation that came into effect on 31 declination 2003. Other European countries have similar requirements.Even though horse owners previously registered horses this was on a voluntary basis for horses born after 1 January 1998. The new requirement ensures that all horses, particularly those specifically reared for the purposes of slaughtering and consumption, have a passport containing a history of veterinary medicines so tha t trustworthy medicines do not pass along the food chain to humans. This requirement is also a more effective way of controlling over breeding in certain areas (Defra, 2002). Policies such as these are useful guidelines for conducting business so that managers adopt correct strategies in all aspects of the industry.Organizations must provide these business ethics and rights to employees (as well as to the livestock of the agriculture or farm industry) to safeguard their needs, to maintain friendly working environment, and to provide boost to a certain industry. Managers cannot anticipate that there will not be challenges in implementing certain principles that will contribute to eventual organizational success.Jonash (2005) warns that business owners need to be willing to face the challenges that go along with difficult business decisions and strategies. He holds that achieving short, medium and long-term success is not easy. He suggests that managers deport the reality that there are no quick fixes to organizational problems and thus should be willing to follow through with tested and proven strategies even if the implementation process seems difficult.The above-mentioned statistics show clearly that this schema is working very well in the US and can even improve if the overall racehorse industry follows proper policies and procedures.Research Activities/MethodsThe research activities of the paper under study are mainly through the books and Internet and other credible journals. These research materials are primary sources of information as they are already from the credibly written scholarly articles and journals. However, the point of view is solely from the writers perspective.Operational Definitions stemma farm animalsSlaughter using an animal for food.Equine Of or like a horse (adjective)Simulcast Races Races dot across the world and seen in casinos.Assumptions and limitationsThis paper assumes that the horse industry can benefit from promotions and other ad campaigns. The scenarios, the examples and data are the tools that will make this study a success. This study is limited to the racehorse and slaughter horse industries, the business leadership skills and the methodology of the management and leadership. The horse industry has many problems like the transportation, accommodation, manipulation the lack of subsidies granted and others, but these are just a few. There are many more topics and issues surrounding this industry but those are beyond the scope of this paper.ReferencesBlue Ribbon Consulting. (2006). Horse Consulting. Retrieved phratry 22, 2007 from, http//www.horseconsulting.com/services.htm.Chenault, E. A., (1994, Oct 28). Race horse industry analysis featured in Jan. 14 Meeting. Retrieved August 1, 2007, from, http//agnews.tamu.edu/stories/AGEC/horsrace.htmlDEFRA (Department for environment, food and countryfied affairs). (2002, Feb 14). Horse Passports and Database. News Release. Retrieved August 15, 2007 from , http//www.lipizzaner.org.uk/defra.htm.House of Commons Hansard. (2002). Written Answers. Retrieved August 21, 2007 from http//www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200102/cmhansrd/vo020214/text/20214w39.htm. kind Society of the United States, The (HSUS) Animal Net. (2007, Mar 17). HSUS responds to rumor of horse abandonment in KY Calls it an act of desperation from the foreign-owned horse slaughter industry. Retrieved August 1, 2007, from http//archives.foodsafety.ksu.edu/animalnet/2007/3-2007/annet_march_20.htmJonash, R. S. (2005). Driving sustainable growth and innovation Pathways to high performance leadership. handbook of Business Strategy, 6(1), 197-202.Louisiana State University. (2003). Agriculture and natural resources summary Horses. Retrieved August 15, 2007 from, http//www2.lsuagcenter.com/AgSum2003/narrative.aspx.Virginia horse industry control panel news and event calendar. (2007-2008). Retrieved August 1, 2007 from, http//www.vhib.org/virginia-horse-industry-board-n ews.html.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Beer in Mesopotamia Essay Example for Free
Beer in Mesopotamia EssayThe offset origins of beer are unknown, but beer was a in truth important drink in Mesopotamia. Beer was shared with two straws as it was a symbol of hospitality and trust. This carries on today, not in the mixed bag people sharing a drink with straws, but common drinks are still offered from the same pot or same bottle. Beer excessively had religious purposes in Mesopotamia.The Egyptians reckond that beer was accidently discovered by Osiris. He then passed on his knowledge to humans, which is why the Egyptians believe that it is a gift from God. This is why Beer was used as an offering during religious ceremonies, and still is. Beer may make water also caused the switch from hunting and gathering to farming. After beer became more prominent as an important drink, numerous may have switched to farming, in order to farm grains. eer, with a lower alcohol content, was also very healthy (and often healthier then the contaminated water because it was bo iled) which would sustain the farming lifestyle. After the source cities arose, beer became much more prevalent.The first forms of writing began to keep track of the amount of grains, textiles, and livestock and the worlds first recipe was the recipe of Beer. Later, beer began to be used as a form of currency. The workers who created the pyramids were even give in beer. Lastly, kale and beer were symbols of good fortune and good luck. The Egyptians believed that the amount of bread and beer affected the afterlife. The term bread and bear was used to wish good fortune on to someone. This carried on today in the form of giving a toast before wishing someone good luck is very common.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Shylock Is a Jew in a Predominantly Christian Society Just as Othello Is… Essay Example for Free
usurer Is a Jew in a Predominantly Christian Society Just as Othello Is EssayQuestion usurer is a Jew in a predominantly Christian society hardly as Othello isliving in a predominantly white society. But unlike Othello, shylock rejects the Christian company as firmly as it rejects him. (W. H. Auden, The Dyers Hand, 1963. Quoted in Shakespe bes Comedies, edited by Lerner, Penguin 1967. ) In light of the above reference book, compare and contrast Shakespeares presentation of prejudice, considering how consultations of different periods might fight bolt down to it.(2000 words) Shylocks presentation of prejudice has been received in immeasurably different ways by audiences of different generations, and the portrayal of the attitudes of Shylock and Othello towards their intolerant societies are ones that so far arguably offer a of import view towards prejudice in our present-day societies. Shylock is a Jew. Four words from the above quotation which arguably encapsulate th e main running theme passim the whole of The merchant of Venice.From a Venetian viewpoint, Shylock is a Jew therefore he is different therefore we will exclude him. Shakespeare shows this through bity another(prenominal) different examples, from the racialist views expressed by unspoilt Antonio, to the expressions used by the high courts of Venice the Christian conjunction expressing a certain divide and prejudice towards Shylock and the Jewish minority. This rejection of the Jews is notably explored in the views expressed by Antonio early on in the play, when the loan of three gigabytesand ducats is negotiated.Bassanio attempts to convince Shylock through miscellanea words and offers of dinner- the Christian way of formness possibly the only instance of kindness offered to Shylock through surface the entire play. However, as soon as Antonio enters, the tone changes Shylock goes from cosmos referred to as sir by Bassanio to The lecture by Antonio. Antonio would spit on th ee again, and this particular example highlights that, despite the f dress Antonio is attempting to receive a loan from Shylock, prejudice is still inherent in his e very(prenominal) word and action.The Christian fraternity rejects Shylock, no matter what he may do of benefit to them and, as a result, is rejected in like. The jolty treatment Shylock receives (such as curfew and a barrage of cuss-words) is reflected in the way that he rejects the Christian community as firmly as it rejects him for example, when offered dinner, Shylock launches into an expletive, hate-fuelled speech about Christianity, claiming that pork is the habitation which your prophet the Nazarite conjured the nark into, and firmly stating that he will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you.Shylock is rejecting the Christian community with every moral fibre in his body, and seems to only take the bond of Antonio to hold some kind of leverage above him, namely the term of the forfeit/ Be nominated for an equal pound/ Of your picturesque flesh a foolishly agreed term that is taken full advantage of. Shylock is treat harshly, and as a result takes full advantage of the fact that legally he can cut down Antonio so rejecting the Christian community.Othello, however, is the polar opposite of Shylocks stand-alone attitude though being the outsider in a predominantly white society, he attempts to fit in, and be love by the aristocratic Venetians. Shakespeare presents the prejudice inherent in Venetian society in a moderately different way though Shylock and Othello both are used by the majorities, and thrown out when not needed, Shakespeare presents a play that explores the prejudice through a different angle.Othello is the war-hardy soldier needed by the whole of Venetian society to fight the Turkish aggressors, who angers Venetian society by taking a white woman Shylock is a Jew whose possessions are needed by Antonio alone, who angers Venetian society by daring to claim wha t is rightfully his. In Othello the audience receives an impression that, though Iago is manoeuvring everybody towards his own aims, Othello is clearly in the wrong when murdering his wife therefore he is rejected by the society, and this is morally right.In The Merchant of Venice the audience feels that, actually, Shylock is morally wronged by the Christians and this rejection by society leaves a bitter taste. An audience in Elizabethan times would pee been left with (in both plays) a feeling of discontentment in the treatment of the two key characters despite the obvious inherent prejudice in society at this time towards moors and Jews, Shakespeares manipulations of stereotypes in his works (e. g.the kind, Christian Antonio is an oppressive character who almost gets his comeuppance) were aimed to interpolate (or at least make the audience question) their views on minorities.Shakespeares portrayal of Shylock can soft be seen as a plea for tolerance towards the Jewish community in England at the time. For example, Shylocks famous If you prick us, do we not bleed? speech is designed to throw a human perspective on the matter that the Jews- populations that have been so discriminated against that any racism against Jews has its own nametag are human too.Shylocks most memorable speech is a cry for humanity and equality, which has resounded down the ages. As Alexander Granach (a German actor who portrayed Shylock in the 1920s) in his autobiography From the Shtetl to the point in time The Odyssey of a Wandering Actor writes Shakespeare gave Shylock human peachyness and spiritual strength and a great lonelinessthings that turn Antonios gay, singing, sponging, money-borrowing, girl-stealing, marriage-contriving circle into petty idlers and sneak thieves. This will undoubtedly have had a slight exit on the audience, showing them that the supposed villain of the piece is simply following a twisted, unmerciful version of the Golden Rule, an ethic of reciprocity that is cited in Christianity do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In this play, Shylock is indeed doing unto others how they do unto him.Shylocks actions, instead of being a stereotypical cruel, revengeful Jew who only cares about his diamond gone (that) cost me two thousand ducats, are transformed by Shakespeare into an often-misinterpreted statement about the hypocrisy inherent in both society and religion at this time. Shakespeares magic lies in the fact that he managed to change two persecuted minorities, who prior to being dramatically personified by Shakespeare had been held up in plays as mockeries of creatures, to human beings with the emotional capacity to feel love and hate.Othello is no durable a black ram held up by Iago as crudely topping (the) white ewe, he has become a symbol of the outsider used for others purposes. In Othellos doing of taen of Desdemona, he turns Venetian society against him, and is only needed for the purposes of defeating the Ott omans.300 years on, and this example is still relevant Paul Robinson, a black actor who went on to portray Othello on Broadway in 1943, move comparisons between Othellos situation and the situation of a coloured man in America in the 1930s while (Othello) could be valuable as a fighter he was tolerated, just as a negro who could save New York from a disaster would become a great man overnighthowever, as soon as Othello wanted a white womaneverything was changed, just as New York would be indignant if their coloured man married a white woman.In this way, Shakespeares portrayal of minorities is relevant for all societies where ethnical persecution takes place, no matter what the time period. However, Shakespeares cardinal meaning of equality has been twisted. David H. Lawrence famously quoted Never trust the artist, trust the tale and indeed, this ha what happened with Shakespeares intentions for Shylock and the grim reality.For example, the character of Shylock was used in anti-sem etic propaganda by Hitler in Nazi Germany to promote the scapegoating of the Jews Shylock is held up by a local newspaper in Konigsberg, Germany in 1935 as pusillanimous and vindictive when properly understood, a line that undermines both the intelligence and self-esteem of local people upon training (in that they did not read enough into the play), and the true meaning of The Merchant of Venice. Upon saying that the deeper meaning is that Shylock is cowardly and malicious, they are mistaking the shallow, surface meaning for a deeper one.As Harold Bloom commented in 1999, It would have been fracture for the Jewish people had Shakespeare never written this play here, Bloom is obviously commenting on the fact that people only took away the shallow meaning, not the deeper, politically-charged (for the times) meaning that Shakespeare is attempting to convey. In a manner seemingly mate to that of Nazi Germany, Shakespeares messages are being sorely misunderstood even nowadays. Shake speare and his plays (in present-day, less inherently racist society) are being taken away from younger generations, such as in British schools whose training is becoming impeded by the P.C nature of nowadayss Big Society.Texts and plays key to British education (such as Of Mice and Men and Othello) are being considered to blatent in their diction (eg. whore, moor) to be studied at an age of 15/16 in an age when arguably the anti-racist messages of Shakespeare need to be implemented. In this way, whilst previous generations of audiences may have held up Shakespeares Othello and Merchant of Venice as examples of injustice and hypocrisy, todays audiences are holding them up as too blatent in their use of inappropriate language.Shakespeares messages of equality are, once again, being misunderstood especially if people do not fancy the messages that the Great Bard is attempting to convey. For example, in 2008, nine students at the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School (a Jewish compre hensive school) in Hackney in East London refused to sit an exam on The Tempest purely because they felt that Shakespeare was anti-semetic owing to his severely-misunderstood portrayal of Shylock. Othello has also often been held up and received down the centuries as purely a negative stereotype even as recently as 2008.Robert Fisk writes in The Guardian that Othello was a Moor, a black Muslim, a mercenary (in the service of Venice) and a wife slayer. One can affect that this is how he would have been viewed in most predominantly-white countries up until the fall of racism and the increase of diversity thus missing the fact that Iago is both the catalyst and trouble- galvaniseer. The mannerisms and attitudes of the characters provide a key insight into the prejudices inherent in society, through both the actions and thought-processes provided by Shakespeare.For example, Othello almost unconsciously uses racist terms to describe himself, providing a disparaging edge to his words . This is shown best in the soliloquys given to Othello, especially when he doubts the good nature of Desdemona he feels that his name, that was as fresh As Dians visage, is now begrimed and black, As mine own face, i. e. that his previously good nature is now smeared. However, Othello associates his own face as begrimed and black, in that he sees his very self as something dirty- and that white (i. e. Dians visage, a marble-white Greek goddess) as something good, clean, and pure.Othello appears to have internalised the racist ideologies preached by Venetians such as Brabantio, and this especially comes to heed in the murder of Desdemona. Seeds planted by Iago act as a catalyst to the problem put in the open by Brabantio at the start of the play that Desdemona would never Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom Of such a thing as thou. This, ultimately, is something that the entire play relies on this comment, made in the heat of the moment by Brabantio, ultimately delivers demoli tion unto his daughter.Othello begins to doubt Desdemonas love and honour due to the fact that he has internalised such racist opinions as blacks and whites should not mix, and is driven crazy by this. As already mentioned, Robert Fisk spoke of the ways in which Othello would have been viewed not as somebody noble, but as somebody different, and (though many in the Elizabethan audience may have been able to sympathise with the beating of Desdemona) a wife killer and indeed, this is a way in which some still see him today.Shakespeare, just like Othello and Shylock, lived in a predominantly white and Christian society, and recognised the prejudices inherent in English society indeed, his plays reflected society. However, as Chung-hsuan tung-oil tree wrote, Shakespeare recognizes the existence of racial differences but he is not a racist. Shakespeare isan impartial, humanitarian dramatist preaching motley liberty, equality, and fraternity. Bibliography.Alexander Granach From the Sh tetl to the Stage The Odyssey of a Wandering Actor Paul Robinson My Fight for Fame How Shakespeare Paved My Way to Stardom The Merchant of Venice, Edited by John Russell Brown, the Arden Shakespeare, 2007 Othello, edited by E. A. J. Honigman, the Arden Shakespeare, 1997 John Gross Shylock A allegory and its Legacy Robert Fisk Offended by Shakespeare? Lets ban him. Guardian, 8th March 2008. Harold Bloom It would have been better for the Jewish people had Shakespeare never written this play, 1999. Chung hsuan-Tung The Jew and the Moor Shakespeares Racial view, 2008.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Fast Food Nation Essay Example for Free
debauched Food soil Essay devalued Food ground is a film directed by Richard Linklater and it was released in the year 2006. This is one of those films, which provide new sources of opinion to a generation. This film deals with a large number of topics, which be old but placid quick on our planet. Among these topics the mentionable ones ar sexual urge, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation and oppression.The film as well shows that although being different parts of the neighborly strata these things argon actually well related with each other. They act not lone approximately(prenominal) in the itty-bitty communities but also finishedout the world. There is no bar for these topics among the developed and developing countries in the fork over day world. Fast Food Nation upholds the problems, which are old enough to have been erased by now. provided as a matter of fact, they still loom large in the human societies of all standards. sham Anderson is the main charact er of the painting. He is the famous Anderson who is kn deliver for the preparation of Big One of Mickeys hamburger. This shows how the protagonist of the film is connected with the world of fast food.The main thing around which the film is constructed is to prove whether these businesses are honest or not. Anderson is not a bad human being but as a matter of fact he does not seem to know e genuinelything that is associated with his business. He finds one smirch with the products of his company and travels to Cody in carbon monoxide to trace the source of these bad and unhealthy ingredients in the products.Cody in Colorado is the center for the preparation of all the products of Mickeys. Very soon Anderson do its to know about the faults that are actually taking place while manufacturing the products of his company. These are approximately of the most horrible truths waiting for him. The film has dealt with some other complicacies as well. Among them, the most strategic one is the exploitation of the illegal immigrants. People incur to the States to win a good fortune from various corners of the world.Mexico is one of these countries from where a number of illegal immigrants come in search of jobs. Very soon after entering the country they are exploited by the white settlers of the unify States of America. Fast food culture has given birth to a considerable effort in this country and most of the immigrants are taken in for the jobs that are available in this industry. catchpenny(prenominal) labor is the main reason why the companies are always interested in taking these employees. By doing this, they can also earn a huge amount of profit within short time. (Linklater, et al, 2006)The tagline of Fast Food Nation says The accuracy Is Hard To Swallow. In a way this film introduces the consultation with the modern day world where almost every vice is present in the society near as they used to exist in the past. The presence of cow manure in the Mi ckeys product is highly symbolic as it shows the comm totally found tendency to live by victimise on others. A fast food nation like USA today looks after only the benefits from the business and not after the quality of service they are providing the customers with. This is the harsh truth, which Don Anderson discovers in his own company while visiting Cody in Colorado.Fast Food Nation is a painting that concentrates on many of the recent problems, which we come across in the modern world. Apart from that there are also other problems, which are not felt by us. Some of the downtrodden people have to face these truths in their lives. This is really unfortunate as we talk about the overall development of the world we act in a very hypocritical way.According to some of the well known critics Fast Food Nation is a well made angry movie which vents out the idealistic wrath on the victimize way in which the nation like USA is traveling towards a so called progress. It is obviously a cr edit going to Richard Linklater for the fact that he has chosen such a sensitive subject on which the economy of USA is dependent to a great extent.The glamour-less style of the movie is one of the most important symbolic, which is followed throughout the movie. We all know that America is a country of glamour and this is why a movie based on this country is hoped to be flashing with glamour and style. Unlike all other movies, Fast Food Nation is an entirely anti-glamour movie where all the characters are the dwellers of a very indifferent land. Truth hidden beneath the glamour is the main motive of this movie and this is why Linklater has focused more on incidents rather than the glamorous aspect of the film. (Morris, 2006)Linklater is very much successful in taking the audience to the determine of the problems. He takes the audience to the slaughterhouses where raw materials for hamburger are produced. Visiting these places the audience is able to go through a series of events, w hich are revealing about how USA still deals on the grounds of race, gender and ethnicity. The Mexican immigrants are nothing better than the cows, which are slaughtered for the production. They are also exploited to a huge extent.By connecting to the story of the Mexican border Linklater actually introduces the audience with another horrible truth, which is looming large in the country. The country, which boasts of its democracy, is itself a system of exploitation and this is something, which Fast Food Nation deals with very carefully. Uniglobe is the meat plant where the police squad of Mexican workers joins.This is the place where the white Americans take the full advantage over the Mexicans as they have come in the country obtaining illegal process. It is very shocking to see a white that works as the floor supervisor threats the Mexican workers to kill them through the slaughtering mechanism unless they work properly.This show of rudeness opens up the horrible way in which th e white people in American society are still dealing with the Mexicans. Money is the main thing, which draws the poor Mexicans to this vast land of USA where they have neither individualism nor respect. There is a scene in the movie where a Mexican falls inside the slaughtering machine and loses his hand, which is chopped by the blade. The terrible scene is something, which agitates the audience to the core.Fast Food Nation not only focuses on the macro system of the society but also on the micro system where the workers are exploited at the same rate. We see the troubles, which are faced by Sylvia, the Mexican young muliebrity who starts working as a hotel room cleaner. She faced huge problems in the slaughterhouse of Uniglobe where her husband and baby continue to work.The dangers of crossing the border are one of the most important elements, which the movie has dealt with. It shows the extent of risk, which the Mexicans are ready to undertake for their survival. Throughout the film it has dealt with huge problems in modern America. But the most important thing about them is the fact that everything, which happens in the life of the Mexican friends, is also the parts of the greater American life. Exploitation and all the other associated elements in the movie are actually representing the wholesome picture of the United States of America. (Mother Jones, 2006)The use of satire in the film is a main thing, which consolidates the theme even more. There are actually three narrative parts that have been used in this movie. The pattern of the movie is very much like the documentary films, which shows the true picture of the world and easily deal with even some of the most controversial topics. Apart from human cruelty, animal cruelty is also an integral part of the film. However, the movie also concentrates on the matter of sexual orientation, which is a big issue in todays America.Amber, the role played by Ashley Johnson, faces problems seeing the difference of sexual orientations among her friend. She asks her close friends not to meet crafty looking boys, believing that they practice homosexuality. This is somehow associated with the slaughterhouse atmosphere and the theme thus becomes more convincing.
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